How many diapers babies need is very different. Still, expectant mothers can plan how many diapers they will need. We explain which diaper sizes are important when and how to buy diapers economically.
There are several things to consider when choosing the right diaper for your baby. Parents often ask themselves many questions, especially when it comes to their first child. What is the correct fit? What types of diapers are there? And how many diapers does a baby actually need per day or per month?
In the following, we will tell you what to look out for when buying a diaper and how to find the right diaper for your little one.
How many diapers your baby needs?
If you’ve had a baby before, you probably know that your baby can use anywhere from 3,000 to over 5,000 diapers in the first year alone. Newborns urinate every two to three hours and often need a new diaper during the day. At night, on the other hand, they sleep longer and with a little luck even through the night.
Planning diaper consumption is usually made more difficult by the fact that babies are born of different sizes. Diapers for newborns are immediately too small for children who are born big. Babies also gain up to two kilograms in the first month after birth. As a result, they quickly grow out of the small diaper sizes. We, therefore, recommend that you initially do not keep more than two sizes at home.
The fit of the diaper
When choosing a diaper for your little darling, the most important thing is the right fit. Only a diaper that fits well can fulfill its purpose optimally.
When buying a diaper, pay attention to the following criteria before you make a final decision. In addition to comfort and absorbency, consider the size of the diaper.

The comfort of the diaper
The diapers for your baby should be made of materials that feel comfortable on your little darling’s skin. In particular, the inner fleece that comes in direct contact with your baby’s skin should contain fibers that are soft and comfortable. Also, if your baby has sensitive skin, choose a diaper that is extra absorbent.
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Absorbency of the diaper
Absorbency is perhaps the most important factor when choosing a diaper. Liquids should be absorbed and trapped within a few seconds.
The drier your little darling’s skin stays while wearing the diaper, the lower the risk of developing a diaper rash. This is a common type of inflamed skin that you can recognize by red or puffy spots on your favorite’s diaper area. Using a protective balm in the diaper can also help prevent the unpleasant rash.
Choosing the diaper sizes
The diaper size is based on a baby’s weight and is stated on the packaging. Many diapers are also graded based on the child’s activity level. So if your little one is crawling, walking, or running, your diaper should be able to withstand such activities.
If you want to buy diapers before birth, you can at least estimate your baby’s weight. But don’t buy too many diapers right away, because your little one could skip the “newborn” size. Above all, your baby grows very quickly, especially at the beginning, and after a few weeks at the latest, the smallest size will no longer fit.
Diapers for babies – understanding sizes
So that you can better estimate how many diapers you will need for your baby, you should know the diaper sizes. Here is an overview of the sizes and at what age and weight of the child you can use them.
Size 0 – for premature babies under three kilograms
Size 1 – for newborns from the first to the second month and from two to four kilograms
Size 2 – from the second to third month and for babies weighing three to six kilograms – is often the starting size, as many children are born larger
Size 3 – from the third to sixth month and from four to nine kilograms in weight
Size 4 – from the sixth month to well over a year old and weighing between eight and 16 kilograms
Size 5 – from eleven to 23 kilograms
Size 6 – for children from 15 kilograms
The sizes will help you with orientation. However, if your baby is better with larger diapers, then you should switch.
How many diapers does your baby need?
Parents often ask themselves this question before buying a diaper: “How many diapers does a baby need per day?”
Especially at the beginning, you have to change the diaper several times a day, often after meals. You need about 8 diapers a day for a newborn. As your little one gets older, you will need around 5 diapers a day. Keep a few extra diapers in your diaper bag and around the house of relatives you visit frequently.
Remember that babies grow very quickly for the first two years of life. Right from the start, record how much weight your little darling is gaining per month and buy a small supply pack for the coming period.
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Types of diapers
While standard disposable diapers are designed for everyday use, there are also special-purpose diapers such as water-repellent diapers for swimming. And when it’s time to start potty training, a wide variety of products are available – from pant diapers to absorbent underwear.
Even if buying a diaper can be a bit of a challenge, especially for the first child, don’t worry too much about it. When choosing, pay particular attention to comfort, absorbency, and diaper size. After just a few weeks with your little darling, you will be able to assess your baby’s diaper consumption.
Extra tip – use cloth diapers
To save money and protect the environment, you can also think about using cloth diapers. They are washable. You will need at least twenty of these in different sizes. This can sometimes be a large sum for the initial purchase. However, that becomes relative over time. Many parents also use disposable diapers and cloth diapers in combination. So you can throw away the diapers on the go or skip the diaper sizes of the cloth diapers, from which the baby quickly grows out. Which variant you prefer for your child and ultimately for you is your choice. Give it a try and find the most comfortable routine for you and your child.

When to use which diapers and for how long?
The different diaper sizes are adapted to the respective body size and weight. The size 1 is the one that most newborns will need. Size 0 is really only suitable for premature babies or for children who were born weighing less than three kilograms. But you shouldn’t buy too many size 1 diapers, either. Your child can grow out of these diapers after a month. You should have a little more diapers of size 2.
These diapers even fit larger babies from birth. Size 3 is most needed from the third to sixth month. However, this time also goes by quickly and you do not need to stock up too many of the diapers.
Most important is size 4, which children can usually wear from the age of six months. You can use them on your child until after their first birthday.
Size 5, on the other hand, is intended for children who are significantly older than one year. During this time, your child should be mostly dry. Many parents only use these diapers for safety or at night.
How often should I change diapers?
Part of the diaper economy is of course how often you change diapers. Most babies require a diaper change every two to four hours. Many parents hesitate to switch. However, doing so can lead to rashes and fungal infections in your child. You should also test which diapers are most comfortable for your child.

How can I save money on diapers?
Diapers are a big financial asset in your child’s first year. It is therefore good to know a few tips on how to save money when buying a diaper. So it is always good to switch to the larger size when your child already fits into the next size. A new size should be used, especially if there is any skin irritation around the closure. Even if the diapers overflow, this is a sure sign that a change is necessary.
You can find cheap offers through discount campaigns from drugstore chains and in internet shops. So keep an eye on the prospectuses of the drugstore chains. The big chains also offer their own diaper brands, which are usually much cheaper than the diapers of well-known brand manufacturers. Even large internet mail order companies often have such own brands, which can be considerably cheaper and save up to 500 euros per annual consumption.
Pay attention to the recommendations for the size and it is better to stock up on sizes 3 and 4, which your baby will wear longer. Some diaper manufacturers offer free samples. So you can compare the diapers and see which ones fit your child best and what they are comfortable with.
Bottom line
How many diapers babies need after birth is a common topic of discussion among expectant mothers. Many mothers tend to buy whole piles of diapers at once. Often many diapers are left lying around uselessly. It doesn’t have to be, because mothers can plan how many diapers will be used for newborns. In this article, we gave you tips on how you can save your wallet and the environment.
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