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Choosing a good thermometer, what matters

Choosing a Thermometer: The Best Ear and Forehead Thermometers

A clinical thermometer should quickly and reliably indicate the temperature, whether in the ear or on the forehead is irrelevant. If you want to measure fever in children, in particular, you should have a device at hand that is completely convincing.

What you can read about in this article: In addition to the four recommendations that we present in detail, you will find an overview of the most important key features of all thermometers we tried. Furthermore, we give you detailed purchase advice. We not only advise you on the product itself but sometimes also explain how thermometers work and whether a measurement in the ear or on the forehead is better.

Without further ado…

How to choose the best thermometer

The best thermometers in 2021

Braun ThermoScan 7

Excellent workmanship and handling, measurement according to age groups possible.


  • Particularly precise
  • Age-dependent measurements
  • Self-explanatory
  • Cleverly processed


  • Protective caps produce unnecessary waste
  • Only ear measurement possible

We were most impressed by the ThermoScan 7 temperature monitor from Braun. It can be operated easily and confidently because it is almost self-explanatory. We find the age-dependent measurement and the clever processing particularly successful. This makes this product the clear winner.

At the push of a button, you can choose from three age groups: up to 3 months, up to 3 years, or older. This is important because toddlers are said to have a fever at a lower temperature than a six-year-old. In addition, we like the gently shaped measuring head, so there can be no injuries in the ear. In addition, the tip of the measuring head becomes warm, which prevents measurement inaccuracies and feels more comfortable in the ear. The Braun thermometer comes with small caps

that must be disposed of after each use. This serves to protect against pathogens. A very useful feature that, in our opinion, unfortunately, produces unnecessary garbage. 21 caps are included in the scope of delivery, and more must be purchased.

In terms of price, our winner ThermoScan 7 from Braun can be a bit expensive, but since you can use this all-around successful clinical thermometer for the whole family, a price is justified.

Runner-up: Medisana TM750

Inexpensive and comprehensive multi-purpose thermometer measures over the forehead and ear. Measurements can be repeated easily. Very good equipment, good handling.


  • Lots of functions
  • Big storage
  • Well-lit display


  • Font a bit small
  • It has to be measured very carefully

As a price tip, we recommend the TM750 fever monitor from Medisana. It can be used on the forehead and in the ear for quick results. In addition, it can measure the ambient and room temperature as well as surfaces and liquids.

We particularly like the detailed instructions for use – but with so many functions it is necessary. There are various interfering factors for the measurements, depending on the type of measurement. From sweat on the forehead to ear wax: fluctuations are possible. However, the manufacturer points this out in the instructions. You should therefore be very careful with the Medisana; this is the only way to obtain useful results. You have at least 30 storage spaces for measurement data here. It can therefore easily be used for the entire family. We also like the fever alarm, which changes the color of the display. Instead of protective caps, it is important to clean them properly after each measurement process.

There is only limited real criticism of this cheap clinical thermometer. If you use the device according to the instructions, you will be quite happy with it at this price. We also find the measurement of surface or room temperature to be very good as an additional feature.

Contactless thermometer: Reer Color SoftTemp 3in1

Fast and easy fever measurement – also suitable for rooms and liquids. Measurement via the forehead can be repeated. Features are quite ample, handling is good.


  • Contactless measurement possible
  • Measurement of space and liquids


  • Instructions for use are a bit awkward

The Reer Color SoftTemp 3in1 is primarily suitable for temperature measurement in babies. As a contactless clinical thermometer, it is very accurate – if you read the instructions for use correctly.

A total of 25 memory slots are available. This is sufficient if you want to save several children or your own temperature. We also like the Silent Mode, you can deactivate any beeps. In general, the handling is good.

The measurements are precise, it doesn’t take too long for the result to be displayed. In addition to the temperature on the forehead, you can also measure liquids and the room temperature. This means that the thermometer is also suitable for checking baby food or milk.

How much do I have to spend on a good thermometer?

How much you spend on a clinical thermometer depends primarily on the range of functions. Good and recommended devices start at around $20, like Medisana TM750. If you also want to measure the ambient and room temperature or liquids, you will find it from around $45. It is worth taking a look at the test winner, the Thermoscan 7 from Braun. You shouldn’t necessarily spend more than $100 on a device that is primarily intended to measure your temperature or that of your children. However, if you would like a smart product that can be connected to a mobile phone and/or WiFi, then we recommend top offerings that would cost more than $100.

What are thermometers and how do they work?

Basically, a clinical thermometer only has to be able to measure the temperature of a person. However, the definition requires the following additional points: The temperature range must extend from at least 32 degrees to 42 degrees and be able to display at least one decimal place. Furthermore, the thermometer does not have to show the last measured value, but the highest.

Today the use of mercury in thermometers is banned globally, so you will only find digital or infrared clinical thermometers in most everyday areas. The former has a sensor in the tip of the thermometer that changes the electrical conductivity in the event of temperature differences. This changing flow of electricity is then translated into degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit and displayed. Infrared thermometers measure the infrared radiation emitted at the desired point and can then use this to display the temperature.

What types of thermometers are there?

There are basically two groups of fever measuring devices: contact thermometers and non-contact thermometers.
The classic types include the expansion or glass thermometer, including the mercury thermometers, which are now banned in most countries. In the meantime, however, there are also more modern instruments with non-toxic liquids.

Digital or electrical contact thermometers are already more common and, like expansion and glass thermometers, are among the devices that have to come into contact with the person for a measurement. A pacifier thermometer is a special feature, with a temperature sensor in the pacifier. Even if this measurement method is particularly easy, the measurement results are mostly inaccurate because the sensor is built into the rubber.

You can take non-contact measurements with an infrared thermometer. These include forehead thermometers, while some devices, such as the Withings thermometer, measure on the temple. Some products also offer both measurement variants, i.e. both in the ear and on the forehead.

How to choose the best thermometer

What do I have to pay attention to when buying thermometers?

Here, too, you must first ask yourself what exactly you need. Nowadays almost all devices are safe and provide accurate readings – as long as you don’t reach for the cheapest product. Much more important is the question: Do you prefer a thermometer with which you measure in the ear or would you like to see results without contact? If you are looking for a device with additional functions, such as measuring the room temperature or liquids, then this must be taken into account in your decision.

Since the sale of thermometers containing mercury has been banned in Europe since 2009, you will most certainly not find a product that is life-threatening or carcinogenic. However, be sure to pay attention to the fine print when buying. To ensure that the measurement accuracy is correspondingly high, thermometers that are offered for sale in Germany have been tested.
You should also make sure that you purchase a product that is easy to use and easy to clean. The duration of the measurement can also differ. So, especially with children, it is worth buying a thermometer that delivers results quickly and reliably.

Forehead or ear thermometer: which one is better?

Ear thermometers measure the temperature of the eardrum via infrared and thus give a value that is very close to a person’s core temperature. The measurement takes place very quickly and is particularly suitable for children. Even if the values ​​are usually very precise, the permitted tolerance of up to 0.3 degrees Celsius is high. This difference makes a big difference, especially with newborns, an increased temperature not only makes new parents sweat.

Forehead thermometers measure without contact, which is of course a great advantage, handling is easier in a direct comparison. With sleeping children, you can easily measure the temperature even at night. Unfortunately, this advantage is also a disadvantage, because the fluctuations are sometimes high. The distance influences the measurement result as well as the ambient temperature, so it is advisable to take a careful look at the instructions for use.

Since both devices can deliver fundamentally exact values ​​- that’s what it’s ultimately about – there is no favorite and the decision whether to use an ear or forehead thermometer is yours.

How to choose the best thermometer

What kind of fever measurement is most accurate?

The rectal measurement provides the most accurate results. Unfortunately, it is also the least popular variant 😱 and has to be carried out for a few seconds in order to be able to reproduce exact values. Another method that measures very precisely is to take a temperature in the mouth, i.e. under the tongue.

As with measurements in the anus, you should avoid using a glass thermometer. The measurement must also be carried out for a few seconds, and about 0.3 degrees should be added to get to the core temperature.

With a little practice, measuring in the ear is also very accurate. The results are also there within seconds. However, ear wax can affect the result, so you should carefully clean your ears beforehand.

What are the different fever thresholds?

Depending on where you measure temperature on the body, you will get different readings. In addition, the fever thresholds, i.e. when you speak of fever, are different for each part of the body. Age is also decisive, when the temperature is high and when it is dangerously high.

Most clinical thermometers automatically recognize when you have measured a fever. However, it doesn’t hurt if you know:
In adults, rectal measurements are referred to as fever from 38 degrees, in the ear at 37.7 degrees, and on the forehead at 37.4 degrees. Be careful under the arms as well as under the tongue from 37.2 degrees.

In children, a temperature of 37.6 degrees is increased, from 38.5 degrees there is a fever. Especially with babies who are just a few months old, you should definitely consult a doctor if the temperature has exceeded 38.5 degrees.

How to choose the best thermometer

How do I care for my thermometer?

In the instructions, you will find initial information on how to properly clean and care for your device. Digital clinical thermometers that come into contact with the skin, the ear canal or the anus should be cleaned before and after each use. To avoid infection, it is also advisable to have a separate thermometer for each person in the household.

Most devices aren’t waterproof, so you can’t just put them under the tap. Rather, clean the product with a damp cloth. We recommend using soapy water or alcohol for disinfection. Avoid hot water, this can damage the sensitive sensors. If you use alcohol, instead of wiping it off, let it evaporate on its own.

With ear thermometers, you can also disinfect the tip of the device with a Q-tip soaked in alcohol. Forehead thermometers do not necessarily have to be cleaned before and after each use, we recommend simple cleaning agents. You can soak a cloth in soapy water and use it to wipe the device.


What are the best thermometers?

The best thermometer in our test is the Braun Thermoscan 7. It received an overall rating of “very good” (1.3) in the test among our volunteers.

Which is better, ear or forehead thermometer?

Ear thermometers measure the temperature of the eardrum via infrared and thus give a value that is very close to a person’s core temperature. However, this type of measurement is not necessarily easy, especially with children.

Forehead thermometers measure without contact, which is of course a great advantage, handling is easier in a direct comparison. With sleeping children, you can easily measure the temperature even at night. Unfortunately, this advantage is also a disadvantage, because the fluctuations are sometimes high.

Where is the best place to measure a fever?

The rectal measurement, i.e. the measurement through the anus, is the most accurate. However, this is also the most uncomfortable, especially since it also takes longer. The measurement via the mouth is almost as accurate. This also takes longer. Glass thermometers are not suitable for either application. It is best to use digital contact thermometers for this.