The best blog title determines whether someone will read your article or not. So it makes sense to rack your brains a little more about the title.
Today it’s safe to say that some forms of titles have turned out to be relatively successful. We will introduce you to these forms in this article and also give you some examples.
The Best Blog Titles at a Glance
A blog title can be designed in many different forms. There are no limits to creativity here. However, some forms have proven to be particularly successful in recent years. We have summarized the best ways to create a blog title for you here.
1. Use Numbers
A number in the blog title gives the reader a preview of how much content they will get for the time they invest in reading the article. Here you can simply list tips, tools, or the best ways to do something. In lists, the number 7 (also in combination 17 / 27) in particular makes us pay more attention to an article. Here are some examples of such blog titles:
XX simple tips for […]
XX easy ways to make […]
The ultimate list for every […]
2. Ask Questions
Blog titles in the form of a question are always good for attracting visitors. These provoke the visitor and make him curious. After reading the blog title, visitors will at least scan the headlines, and most will then read the article as well. Here are some examples of such blog titles:
Why do some people […]?
What makes me […]?
How do you get […]?
3. Mention the “Only,” “Best,” or “Easiest” Way
You may have figured out a way of doing something that would save others a lot of time as well. This should also be stated in your blog title. It initially sounds too good to be true for the reader and therefore also arouses curiosity. Here are some examples of such blog titles:
The only way to do […]
The best way […] to learn
The easiest way to get rid of […]
4. Promise to Do Something in a Certain Amount of Time
Most of us are short on time. A day should often have 48 hours. This is exactly where you can tickle your readers and use the blog title to address their time constraints. Show at what time you can do something. Here are some examples of such blog titles:
Get started with […] in just 10 minutes
[…] do it in just 1 hour
Get rid of […] in just one day

5. Provide Helpful Instructions or How-tos
Blog titles for instructions and how-tos should also reflect that they are such. This allows the reader to see the goal of the article directly. Here are some examples of such blog titles:
How you do […] in a simple way
How to […] without spending a lot
Follow this guide to reach […]
6. Teach Methods and Strategies
There is a myriad of methods and strategies for doing something. Surely you have your own methods or strategies that you would like to pass on and these are the appropriate blog titles:
This method helps […] save hundreds of dollars
With this simple strategy you […]
This method helps […] to make it even better / faster
7. Provide Double Benefit
Of course, everyone is looking for their own advantage. And of course, two are better than one. You can also process this in your blog titles, for example by structuring them as follows:
How you save time with […] and get things done quickly
So you get […] and even more money
Make […] money and work independently
8. Reveal Secrets
Secrets have always been a proven way to get people’s full attention. Why not use this tool for your blog title as well? Here are some examples of such blog titles:
The secret of the perfect […]
How you reveal the secret of the best […]
This secret of […] will astonish you
9. Make Comparisons
Comparisons are particularly popular in product testing. After all, you finally want to decide on a product and need your help. For this area you can design your blog title in the following forms:
[…] against […] — The result will amaze you
The best […] in direct comparison
[…] has these advantages compared to […]

10. Motivate and Inspire
Surely you also have motivating or inspiring stories that you want to tell about. This motivation or inspiration should then also be built into your title. Here are some examples of such blog titles:
Finally, approach […] with more motivation
That will motivate you […] to do more often
These people will inspire you to do
11. Share a Personal Experience
The special thing about blogging is sharing your own experiences with everyone. So this is where it gets a little more personal. You have to reveal something about yourself. An exciting story or a painful experience. Here are some examples of such blog titles:
How I achieved […]
As I […] learned in a very short time
What great experiences I have had with […]
12. Use Negative Blog Titles
Every success also contains a number of steps along the way that went wrong. You can save others from these failures. You can then process that wonderfully in the blog titles. Here are some examples of such blog titles:
XX Things you shouldn’t do as a successful […]
XX mistakes on the way to […] that you should avoid
13. Promise Surprises
We love surprises. It is therefore also a good idea to process them in a blog article or a blog title. These shapes are relatively easy to create and might look something like this:
XX things that will surprise you at […]
XX shocking pics/videos of […]
The […] did […], but then something very surprising happened
14. Be Extreme
Of course, extreme situations or statements are something that always makes us sit up and take notice. This can certainly lead to your articles gaining a little more momentum than before. However, these blog titles must fit your target group. Here are some examples of such blog titles:
The XX funniest examples of […]
XX perfect ways […] to do
These […] are too extreme for […]
15. Be Shocking
Now we’re getting into an area where you really need to pay attention to your audience. Because these blog title forms are not suitable for everyone and can achieve the opposite with the wrong target group. Here are some blog title forms you can use to shock your readers:
These images of […] shock the world
The shocking end of […]
This event in […] is too intense
16. Spread Fear and Despair (With Caution)
Now we come to the blog title form where you may dare to use your readers’ fears or despairs to grab their attention. This works in the film industry and can also be used with blog titles. Here are some examples of blog titles that capitalize on reader fears:
These pictures of […] will not let you sleep at night
These desperate […] just wanted […]
Without this advice on […], you will continue to live in fear and terror
17. Trigger Paranoia
A danger behind every bush. Yes, you can work with that too, if you really want to. Here are some examples of such blog titles that may sound a bit clickbaitish:
The XX biggest lies told to you by […]
XX Reasons not to trust your […]
What […] has always been a secret from us
Bonus tip 1: Reinforce Blog Title with Adjectives
Adjectives reinforce the impact of a blog title on the reader. These bring more life to the title and set it apart from the rest. Feelings can also be conveyed to the reader before the actual text. Here are some adjectives you can incorporate into your titles to reinforce them:
Bonus Tip 2: Motivate Action with verbs
If you want to motivate your readers to take action through the article, it is also advisable to do this with the blog title. Certain verbs are best suited for this, of which you will find some examples below. Use these verbs to provoke an action through the title:
Which blog title approaches work best for you?
After this post, other blog title forms will certainly develop. So if I missed some best-performing styles here, please let us know in the comments.