Of course, we are all extremely smart, but we don’t always radiate it. Psychology reveals that specific characteristics make you appear more intelligent. Intrigued?
Before we get to the do’s, let’s clear up two don’ts.
Drinking Doesn’t Make Us Look Smarter
Alcohol not only lowers cognitive abilities. How others assess this in a person is negatively influenced by spirits. For example, tests by American psychologists showed that recruiters rated applicants as less intelligent if the candidates ordered wine instead of soda water.
We must tell you with a heavy heart: The same applies to all other alcoholic beverages. So it’s better to leave the bottle of beer out of the picture on essential occasions.
Big Words Have No Effect
We all know that type of person who expresses themselves in more complicated ways than is even necessary. Hand on heart, we all do it ourselves every now and then to appear smarter. The experiments of Princeton psychologist Daniel M. Oppenheimer show that we are cutting ourselves in the flesh. Ironically, a writer is considered less intelligent when his writing is stilted.
So only use as many complicated formulations as absolutely necessary. Simpler synonyms make you seem smarter. Instead, you can inspire with a coherent argument and the use of stylistic devices. Just like we at WELT kmpkt. Nearly. Always.
Now let’s get to the dos:
Adjust Your Speed
Hard to believe, but our attribution of mental states is affected by how fast we move. This was revealed by a study by researchers from Princeton and Harvard, among others.
The core message is that you should move at the same pace as those around you in order not to be judged as less intelligent.
Temporary Effect: The Facial Features
A narrow, elongated face with a large nose, wide-set eyes, and a pointed chin is what a brainiac looks like to many of us. If the notion of “simply looks smart” is essential, you can shape the parts optically with a courageous reach into the make-up box.
Amazingly, the study in question found that men with such facial features are actually more intelligent.

Are Firstborns Smarter Than Their Siblings?
Are the older siblings always, the smarter ones? Yes. This is the result of a study by the University of Edinburgh. According to this, the IQ decreases by 1.5 points from child to child.
A Letter Helps
Do you have a middle name? If so, abbreviate it. In this way, you will gain the favor of your fellow human beings twice over. According to a study by the University of Southampton, the first letter of your middle name alone increases your creditable intellectual capacity. And the assessment of your social status should then also be more positive.
Sheldon L. Cooper shouldn’t spell his middle name “Leeber” if he wants to appear as awesome as he already is. Here we see the master applying the classic book/comic disguise:
A Book Helps
Speaking of books and The Big Bang Theory: As part of the research for the über-nerd series, a poll was conducted asking participants how they would portray their own cleverness. In this way, we learned what makes the impression of being intelligent to the interviewees.

Big Bang Theory Wiki
The following is also true: A lot doesn’t help much. If you want to come across as hyper-smart and rattle through the pages of a book like a sci-fi robot, that’s just too much. No one will buy this.
Glasses Help, Too
You still get clichéd nerdy if you try to get visual aids. Researchers from the British College of Optometrists determined in a survey that 43 percent of those surveyed felt that glasses wearers were more intelligent.
And one bonus tip. Don’t be afraid to admit that you aren’t as bright as you appear. “I know that I know nothing.” This Socrates’ dictum hits the nail because intelligent people know that they don’t know everything. They don’t have to, because they can always get in touch with someone who can help them. Clever is the one who knows where to look!