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Discover ways to increase blog traffic quickly with SEO and quality content.

How to Increase Blog Traffic Quickly: What You’ve Been Missing

Do you want to grow your blog traffic quickly? Follow these simple tactics.

Content about everyday life, travel, marketing, or even finances. Today we can find blog posts on every topic that usually answer our questions. One of the advantages of the internet is that you can get information about anything from knowledgeable people in just 1 second.

Blogging is socially important because it has many effects on the lives of online businesses – webshops, online service providers. Blog helps the company to increase the number of organic customers and visitors, they are also of outstanding importance from an SEO point of view and also have an effect on the conversion rate of the company.

Who would have thought that a simple text could do so much? Below, we’ll show you how you can increase your traffic by running a few tweaks to your blog posting practice.

Discover ways to increase blog traffic quickly with SEO and quality content.

The importance of blogging

You might think that there is no need to grapple with it since the people who are buying your product or service are not the same who are reading the blog. But how can your blog increase your traffic and ultimately, conversion rates?

Let’s look at some data that could shed some light:

  • According to statistics, there are more than 20 billion websites today, 72% of which have a blog.
  • These websites are considered the fifth most reliable source of information.
  • 77% of internet users read blogs regularly. That is an average of 3.1 billion people. Huge number, right?
  • 72% of respondents said that text content production is one of their strongest SEO tactics that can increase organic traffic.
  • Promoting blog posts increased the website conversion rate by 93%.

After absorbing this information, you certainly no longer have any doubts that this topic is really worth studying. But what does a well-written, perfect post look like? Let’s check it out.

Choosing the topic for your blog

The topic of the text content should match the theme of your website. So, if you have an online store that sells electronic devices, there is no way you are writing an article on “How Can You Take Care of Your Dachshund Hair?” While the topic is very cute, your visitors may not want to read this information and would rather get data about the benefits or features of the current desktops.

In addition, a poorly chosen topic can spark suspicion among visitors because they do not understand what your website is about. Ultimately, they will not trust the content of your website.

On the other hand, a well-chosen topic can build a loyal group of customers or visitors, increase engagement (comments, reactions, activities), and, last but not least, increase the conversion rate.

Discover ways to increase blog traffic quickly with SEO and quality content.

The focus is on quality

Producing quality content is a time-consuming process, but believe us, it’s worth it. There are two reasons you need to take the time to create a quality post:

  • The Google search engine takes into account what content is on your page. It scans all referenced links and the structure of the article and rates your page as a reliable, high quality, or unreliable website.
  • Remember that visitors to your blog usually have a problem, they need information. If they find useless information, they will leave your website and not come back to you for a possible purchase.
  • Whether it’s SEO or the opinion of potential customers, high-quality content definitely helps to increase the conversion rate of your online business, also organically. Don’t regret the time, better post less, but in good quality

Try to use subheadings of the correct length and try to break the text up into paragraphs. Believe me, this is the key to improving your conversion rate when it comes to your blog.

Promoting your articles

Now that you know what a good article looks like and how to organically grow your traffic, let’s see what other options you have. As in many places today in the field of marketing, social media appears to be an excellent tool, with more than 3 billion users in different age groups and an average conversion rate of 17.3%. These numbers speak for themselves.

These days we usually only come across product ads on social media, but who says you can’t post your articles on these pages? This is a perfect opportunity to increase your traffic.

We recommend that your text content appears regularly on your company’s social media pages, as this gives your returning customers or visitors new information on topics that are relevant to them. Don’t forget about new visitors who might never have found your website if it weren’t for Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

Discover ways to increase blog traffic quickly with SEO and quality content.

First of all, we recommend that you only share your content on your own social media accounts, and not start immediately to advertise your articles intensively. You may need to do this because you can gauge who reads your blog regularly and who they already know. You will need to collect demographic data about the target audience of your blog. Then you can get a complete picture of the groups you are trying to reach. This is the basis for a conversion rate boosting campaign.

Once you’ve gathered the right information, your advertising campaign can begin. However, it doesn’t matter which item you are promoting.

Important things to keep in mind when launching a promo campaign

Remember, these people may never have heard of you, they don’t know what you are up against. So be sure to show them a blog article that can be linked to your products as this will increase the chances that they will buy from you once you read the article and your conversions may go up.

By this I don’t mean creating an entire article about your product, it might sound like a good idea but it won’t work well. Remember, you are promoting a blog article, not a specific product. Your new visitor probably clicked on your ad because they had a problem and could see from the title of the article that this could offer them a solution, they are not expecting product advertising.

Here’s an example: If you sell used phones, you need to share content that highlights the benefits of buying a used phone or explains why people should switch from an Android device to an iOS base or vice versa. This unconsciously arouses a demand in the reader and they can buy a used phone from you the next time they shop or even right after reading the article without advertising your specific products.

Become SEO-friendly

You have probably heard of the importance of search engine optimization. A transparent website for search engines, with this topic you can hear a lot of external links and other technical settings.

But did you know that a blog is a powerful SEO tool for increasing traffic to your website?

Written content is the perfect way to get links to be placed in articles, and links are the strongest parts of your blog from that point of view. Search engines use this to find out what other websites your page is pointing to, and this is what gives your UI the power.

If you trust reliable and strong websites, Google will assess you as such and place you in a higher position in the list of results. And a higher position can mean one thing: an increased conversion rate, also organically.

To make your blog SEO friendly, here are some things to look out for:

  • Pay attention to the number and quality of the links. Don’t use too many links as this will be perceived as spam by search engines.
  • Pay attention to the structure. Always divide the text into smaller paragraphs and pay attention to the use of headings and subheadings.
  • Optimize your keywords. If your article is about the used car market, try to find this word in the article, but not too often. Use substitute words, synonyms, strive for naturalness.

If you keep these in mind, you are guaranteed to have a better chance of increasing your traffic with a simple article.

Discover ways to increase blog traffic quickly with SEO and quality content.

The importance of images

Who wants to read an empty, unanimous essay? You know the answer to that, probably nobody. This is one of the reasons why you should always add pictures to your articles.

But now you are probably wondering how this can increase your traffic. Weird, but image content plays a huge role in having as many conversations as possible on your blog.

First of all, we’d like to highlight the user experience that can help. A raw, long text document can have an alarming effect on your site’s visitors. They need quick and reliable information. No matter how much you write your best article, they won’t read it if it looks like it takes too long, and they can also instantly switch to one of your competitor’s pages.

Images make your blog post more enjoyable in terms of user experience, make it airier, and thus give visitors a better chance of staying on your website. And the more time they spend on your website, the more likely they are to buy from you, which increases your conversion rate.

Images and SEO: The missing link

This may not come as a surprise to you, but did you know that images are very important from an SEO perspective? SEO is often seen as the common link between blogging and increasing conversions, and this is no different here, among other things.

Relevant images are a great way to get you a bigger place in SERP, which means you have a bigger chance of getting more clicks on your page. Sounds great, doesn’t it?

Here’s an example: If you have a restaurant that you’ve already created an online store for and you’re writing an article on how to get buffalo chicken wings right, it is a good idea to put pictures within the theme. Add a picture of chicken wings, possibly condiments or sauces. This makes things easier for search engines because it is not enough that your text is well-written within the topic, you have even littered your article with relevant images to make it easier for them to crawl.

Of course we’re not putting a Buffalo Chicken Wing picture here – although we like it a lot – because that’s not our topic. In case you haven’t already done so, take a look at this article to see exactly which images we use, it may even help you choose the right artwork.

Believe me, this will be rewarded by the search engines and your reward will be an increase in traffic and clicks.

Never turn off comments on your blog posts

You must have come across the term social proof. Interestingly, there is still a bit of resentment among people these days when they shop or blog online. Do you think the product arrives in good condition? Do they provide reliable information? Or simply whether you can really trust this online shop.

You need to address these issues as this is a milestone if you are looking to increase your sales. We have heard many stories when the product was already in the shopping cart, but because of the uncertainty, the potential buyer withdrew from the purchase.

However, you can get rid of this by creating a comment section. We recommend that this is an integral part of your blog as this is where people can share their opinions with other visitors.

If during your article they see the positive feedback from previous readers, they will find you reliable and people-centered, which instantly dispels that uncertainty. And if your blog has proven useful and developed a positive reputation, it may even be returning visitors.

But what about conversions? Take this small step and believe that you are already on the right track.

If they see feedback under your items, it will also affect the purchases of your products. You buy your products with greater certainty and even in larger quantities.

The focus here is on increasing loyalty, which is one of the most important activities in the life of your company. And the social proof is a great way to get repeat customers and increase your conversion rate.

Showcase your high-performing articles

The blog is not just a platform for publishing text content. This part of your website is perfect for raising your profile or promoting your products.

We recommend that you analyze your website. See which CTA, image, logo, or even mascot scores well and stay an integral part of your blog. There are many ways to do this, but we think the best way is to A/B test this element or use some kind of data visualization tool.

Using heatmaps can be a good tool for this, which is very effective if you want to measure the performing elements of your website. It marks popular places in red and less popular places in blue.

Such an analysis will give you a clear idea of ​​which elements might be worth showing up on your blog as well. This way, your unique visitors who visit your blog-only site will know the distinctive colors and themes of your website and have a better chance of visiting you during an advertising campaign.

During the A/B testing, try to interview your existing customer base as they will know best what grabbed them on your website. Send them a personal, direct email or use social media to reach out to them and boldly ask them.

With this simple but effective step, you can achieve a conversion rate increase of up to 14% in the future. Shocking but true.


Make sure you are producing high-quality content that is always tailored to the needs of your visitors but doesn’t deviate from your main profile. Promote your content because if it doesn’t hit you, it’s not worth it all.

Focus on SEO, believe us, organic purchases are more worthwhile than paid purchases. We work with many companies who want more online presence but don’t know where or how to start when they have limited time and resources. We’ll help you provide the tools you need to increase the visibility of your website so that potential customers can find what they’re looking for.

As everywhere, analytics come up here, don’t regret the time for regular measurements, be in the picture with the current situation. Use this article as a sort of guide to read here and it is a perfect foundation for your conversion rate to skyrocket through your blog.