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Blog topic generator tools

10 Best Blog Topic Generating Tools in 2022

Don’t know what to write about? Do you get writer’s block? Running out of ideas? There are several blog topic generation resources online to help you never have a problem with what to blog about.

These blog topic generators will help you fuel your creativity and ensure you keep creating fresh, compelling topics and engaging content that is clickable and shareable.

As you already know, creating a blog plays a crucial role in attracting website traffic, increasing awareness of your business, and ultimately contributing to sales and leads. To help you brainstorm your next blog post, there are many useful resources on the market.

We have compiled ten useful resources in this post to help you come up with amazing blog ideas instead of just staring at a blank screen.

Here are the best tools for generating blog topic ideas in 2022:

Blog topic generator by Hubspot

Generating topic ideas is very daunting, especially for a growing blog. If you’re having a hard time looking for unique angles for each article or publishing different types of content for your content marketing campaign, Hubspot’s blog topic generator is undoubtedly for you.

Because it makes it easy to use and quick to generate great blog titles, this tool became a very popular blog topic generator. It offers a user-friendly layout where you insert up to 5 nouns and the generator will help you to do the rest.

Yes, you can enter up to five nouns, and the tool can help you work out the rest by giving you five headline suggestions to stimulate your creativity.

Then you can change it up a bit from those titles to better suit your approach. The tool sends out 5 headline ideas and helps you get those “creative juices” flowing. If you enter your details, you will be sent 250 ideas or ideas for a year.

Blog topic generator tools


Co-founded by legendary management consultant and author Guy Kawasaki, Alltop is dedicated to answering the question, “What’s going on?” as described in the Alltop blog. Basically, it is a list of the latest posts from the best blogs.

Alltop covers pretty much every topic imaginable, from finance and marketing to hair and fashion. Just select your topic and the top blog in this industry will show you posts related to that topic. This way you can quickly see what the top blogs in your industry are writing about and inspire some of your own ideas.

With hundreds of topics, Alltop offers a range of quality blog posts. You can automatically generate blog ideas by simply scanning the blog titles displayed in each category.

For example, if you want to write a blog about SEO, you can browse and learn from hundreds of posts on the same topic. For each title, you can also search for similar topics.

Ahrefs Content Explorer

Content Explorer is essentially a mini search engine powered by almost a billion websites in Ahrefs’ massive database. How does this help generate ideas for content? Just enter a subject, click search, and a set of results will come back.

Does that sound like a default search engine? Well, yes, but it differs from everything like Google in one important way: All results are filterable by domain rating (DR), word count, average organic search traffic, language, number of associated domains, and more. This makes it extremely powerful for your site to find low-hanging content opportunities.

For example, you can filter your results by referring domains and estimated monthly search traffic to discover pages that get a lot of traffic despite low referring domains (e.g. backlinks). From these, without building tons of connections, you can extract topics that you can easily rank for.


Buzzsumo is a website that offers you more than just topics to suggest. A long list of many other variables that could affect a blog topic will be presented to you. Before you choose a specific topic for your next blog, you’ll get all the details you need, from displaying backlinks, sharers to Facebook engagement count, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn shares.

For every post you create, BuzzSumo is a tool to help you stay on topic. This can also be used to find the most frequently asked questions on sites like Quora, Reddit, and Amazon. You can also filter using different headings, namely date, content type, language, word count, and region. This can be your one-stop solution with a specific keyword or phrase to know where you are going.

In addition, you can come up with exceptional content ideas, as well as track and find questions on various topics and other businesses. You can also search by URL or subject and filter by time.

Blog topic generator tools


While Ubersuggest isn’t the best tool for coming up with topical blog titles, it’s a great tool for generating ideas for new blog posts on general topics. Just enter a word or phrase and Ubersuggest will create a long list of results containing the word or phrase followed by some related phrases.

These suggested phrases are grouped from A to Z and we will use an example to illustrate this. For example, you typed “how do mortgages” when you typed the keyword phrase “mortgage” + f in 1 and in 2, and Ubersuggest created a long list of suggested topics based on that phrase instead of the word “mortgage.”

Much like Google Keyword Planner, UberSuggest is easy to use. This tool allows you to generate massive content ideas with a simple keyword. It will show you hundreds of phrases containing your keyword as soon as you type a search term.


While Quora isn’t a direct topic generator, you’ll surely accept that the following website you land on for a search other than Wikipedia is most often Quora. A great way to drive traffic to your website and gain loyal followers is by answering common questions online users have about your industry, and Quora can be a great resource for discovering these common questions.

Type a word or phrase into Quora and see what questions users are asking about that topic on Quora. You can also click Top Stories, Trends, and Questions to delve deeper into questions related to your topic after your results are displayed as shown in the example below.

One would agree that this site has everything one needs when looking for an answer to any question in the world. You can look up relevant topics of your interest here or look up questions directly to get answers from knowledgeable people around the world.

Google Trends

Google Keyword Tool is not only helpful for coming up with some general blog topic ideas but it can also be used in combination with the resources above to find blog topics with a high volume of monthly searches.

For example, you enter the term “mortgage” into Google Keyword Tool. Based on that data, you might decide to write a blog post listing and rating the top mortgage and financial calculators available in this region. Many natural links could also be created to your blog post this way.

Google Trends can be used for advertising purposes, but did you know that it’s also great for generating content ideas? If you want to use it for brainstorming ideas, enter terms related to your brand, company, products, or services. This tool provides you with search patterns for any word or phrase you type and the associated search terms.

Content idea generator by Portent

If you want to quickly find a clickable blog title, then Portent’s Content Idea Generator is perfect for you.

If you want to come up with new and catchy blog titles with a little humor, this is a great tool. Provided four spaces are provided, this site uses one of the following spaces with your keyword or search phrase and adds other related materials to the others. It also gives the reason for each of the other three keywords used.

In other words, if you are looking for a related list, this is an easy but time-consuming method. At the same time, unlike other sites that give you the main word, you get really original topic ideas that you can use specifically for your blog.

As a reminder, here are some helpful guidelines:

  • When using proper nouns, avoid capitalizing keywords.
  • Use a single version of your keyword.
  • Edit the result to create your own high-quality and grammatically accurate headline.

Discover ways to increase blog traffic quickly with SEO and quality content.


Many people ignore one of the most popular social networking sites when it comes to blog topic ideas. You can use your keyword to do a Twitter search with a hashtag (e.g. #mortgage) to generate a list of tweets containing your keyword.

The best thing about Twitter is that perhaps the most up-to-date conversation you can find on the site is the conversation. Twitter is a great place to start future topic ideas if you want to contribute to trending news in your particular field.

For example, a Twitter search for #mortgage returns tweets on Twitter that mention this topic. From these insights, you might get the idea to write a post about how it’s still cheaper to buy a house than rent a house, for now anyway.

Moz Keyword Explorer

Moz is another tool in the list that gives you an in-depth list of research for better SEO than just recommending blog topics. If you tag this search with a specific keyword, you will get the monthly usage volume, difficulty, organic click-through rate, and priority for that term.

When you type a specific keyword into a search, Moz doesn’t just suggest blog topics. It gives you insight into difficulty level, monthly quest volume, word priority, and so on. You also get some keyword tips and a search-based SERP check. So it tells you everything you need to know about the subject phrase you submitted.

You’ll also see more keyword suggestions and a SERP check based on your search. There is also a list of mentions of this keyword in other blog topics at the end of the post. So, in simpler terms, you’ll learn everything you could ever want to know about the subject phrase you submitted


These days, a blog has undoubtedly become an important part of any popular website. It’s time to get started if you own a website and haven’t blogged about it yet. If you’ve been refusing to start a blog or don’t blog consistently because you just can’t think of good topics to write about, then that’s not a good excuse.

It’s a fact: Constantly coming up with new content concepts can be overwhelming. The good thing is, once you have an idea, you don’t have to sit around. There are many instruments available in the market and most of them are free. They are here to help you come up with more innovative content ideas.

In your content strategy, testing the resources provided above will help you get results, build your audience, increase your customer lifetime value, and fill your blog with killer content.

It’s fun to come up with ideas, but not all of your thoughts will work or even turn into final blog posts. With these tools for your blog and content, you can see what’s working and what’s not.

For example, how do these ideas and headlines align with the voice of your personal brand or corporate brand? And how far should the envelope reach for your content? Hopefully, these resources will help you realize that you’re pouring ideas and headlines into your blog posts, infographics, and content ideas.

Photo by Emily Morter on Unsplash.